
The Probability Of Visiting The Physician Essay

Decent Essays

asked the client about the probability of visiting the physician to consult with him about taking antidepressant medication, but the client said that I do not think that I need medication as my depression is not severe, but if I feel that I need it, I will go and ask for it and she is not under medication now. Client think that her strict and conservative background led her to have a problem with friends and the relationship in general, as she added that she was isolated for so many years due to the home schooling and she has lack of self confident and social skills to deal with others. At the same time, she had no fun in her life and she did not enjoy it at all. All of these factors let her believe in some ethics and values grounded on the family background, faith, and experience which led her to act in a certain way with herself and others. She feels that she is obligated to achieve goals in her life, and she able to do that, but there is no fun, no self-care plan, and no enjoyment. Even when she moved to study, she misses the source of the security in her life which is her family as well as her first boyfriend has anxiety attacks and she feels obligated to help him. All these factors lead her to be depressed.
5- Mental statues Exam:
1. Appearance, Behavior, and Attitude
a. Apparent - the client is 21-year-old Portages American Caucasian Christian female, of average weight and height. At the time of the session, she was groomed and well dressed and was appropriate

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