
Reasoning Behind Photoshopping Epidemic

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This paper will demonstrate the reasoning behind the photoshopping epidemic that exists through advertisements, celebrity imaging, and through many other facets of one’s daily life. The enhancement of images supplies a altered sense of perfection and what ideal beauty truly looks like. “A technique which is the mainstay of advertisement companies, of personal photo-editing, and of image manipulation in general bears the overtones of a mannerist praxis carried over from the sixteenth century to the twentieth-first.” Advertising is the primary use to modified images/photoshopped images and is the backbone to this silent epidemic. Advertisement is to blame for the degradation of women. Women’s progression for gender equality is being slowed down by what is being shown on television commercials that screams to the female viewers, “Wear our revealing products, or suffer the social backlash of not being pretty enough!” While it may appear outlandish to say something of this magnitude, it becomes quite obvious when one looks at the facts of advertisement and the effects that are offset by showing impossible to achieve concepts of beauty. Advertisement, dating back to the early years where everything was spread via word by mouth has come a long way with the technological boom in the modern age, and it is perfectly understandable that one would feel overwhelmed with how often advertisers command the public to buy. However the question would then become, how is advertisement so

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