
The Problem Of Chest Pain

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Since most people in our society consider chest pain to be of a cardiac origin, pediatric chest pain can not only be scary the child, but can also cause anxiety for the parents due to the fear of their child 's condition. Luckily, many causes of chest pain are usually benign and rarely can be a sign of cardiac disease. With this in mind, providers should complete a preliminary evaluation for chest pain, decide on differential diagnoses, and than develop an appropriate plan. Providers should also be aware of the most likely causes of chest pain in children, which include reactive airway disease, musculoskeletal pain, esophagitis, gastritis, and functional pain (Hay, Levin, Deterding, Abzug, 2014). Will all of those in mind, by far the most common cause in children is chest pain from a musculoskeletal injury. The initial evaluation should include a detailed history and physical examination to help guide the provider to the proper workup, and rarely is there a need for laboratory tests or evaluation by a specialist (Hay, Levin, Deterding, Abzug, 2014). First finding out when the pain started, last month, last year, and so forth, will be of high importance, then once a time frame is establish, details about the most recent episode should be obtained. The provider should ask how long the pain lasted, what made it better,made it worse, and then move on to what brought on the pain, with arm movement, breathing, dizziness, particular activity and so forth. Once the cause

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