
The Problem Of Discrimination Against The Disabled Essay

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There are many isms that exist in today’s American culture. Because of these discriminations put on others, there are plenty of ways to stop such hatred. Ableism has been around for a long time and continues to be an issue today. Because of discrimination against the disabled, there have been negative impacts on society; for example, society has turned disabilities into inabilities. In fact, it is society that has stopped the disabled from reaching success.
54 million people suffer from some sort of disability. Whether that is mental, physical, or emotional. It was believed long ago that people who suffered with disabilities were said to have been demonic. Due to these beliefs, many children and adults were treated with utter disrespect and harmed. Many scientific studies were done in order to come up with the reasoning of these mental illnesses.
Ableism is the discrimination or prejudice against people who have disabilities. This discrimination dates all the way back to 1981. Ultimately, this means that someone is defined by his or her disability. Some people who struggle with a disability consider it to be rude when others do not believe they can accomplish something in which others are able to accomplish.
During the Holocaust, ableism was present. However, back then, no on considered this to be ableism only because there was so much discrimination during the Holocaust. This was just another one of Hitler’s heinous acts. There, they were also labeled as “life unworthy

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