
The Problem Of Wrestling Practice

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I never was the person that got along with others, for some unknown reason everyone hated me. The only problem with this is that they didn’t even try to hide how they feel. They always made me try to feel like I was worthless. They made me feel like no one loved and that no one would ever love me.The only place I could go without worrying about what anyone said was on the mat. I started at a young age and so did the bullying, but they never happened at the same time. I thought that wrestling practice was the only safe place for me to be. Then they started to merge and i no longer had a safe place. No matter how many people told me that I was worthless, that I was a piece of trash, that nobody loves you, I always just gave everything all I …show more content…

My next opponent was ranked 2nd in the state, and my teammates were betting on how long I was going to last. Whether it was the shortest amount of time or the longest, my team had no faith that I would win the match. Hearing them was just like a knife going straight through my back, I felt like was going to forfeit if that was the way it was going to be. I’m stronger than that, I made it all the way here with no one on my side, besides my parents. I will fight for the win in this match to be able to laugh at them for once. What they did actually helped me, It got me pissed off and it gave me a reason to win. I see the my opponent walk up to the table and I thought how is he even legal to wrestle. I instantly thought is this guy using steroids.
The whistle blows and right way we tie up and he just starts punching. I back out, but while I’m backing out he rushes and throws me to the ground, luckily we were out of bounds. We tie back up and again a blow to the face with a clinched fist. No one sees that I 'm getting punched only I’m the one that knows he 's throwing punches. One more blow is all it takes for my nose to become a river of blood. At this point my face is starting to swell and turn red, but the I must finish the match. This just adds on to my rage. The whistle blows again and this time it 's our last tie up. I snap him down and crossface him so hard that the snot comes out of his nose. This is where the crowd goes insane because I just turned this

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