
The Problems Associated with Underage Drinking Essay

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Curiosity to appear more grown up may be the reason why most adolescents take their first drink of an alcoholic beverage. The ability to seen more grown up can intensify drinking at a younger age. Consequently, as alcohol is seen as the “Forbidden Fruit,” it encourages the want to drink for people under the age of twenty-one. The use of alcohol by adolescents is widely viewed as disobedience in American society. Although, alcohol use is technically illegal until the age of twenty-one (in 19 states the consumption of alcohol in not specifically illegal for people under the age of twenty-one), there is still an excessive use of dinking in teenagers today. Since alcohol is associated with all three leading causes of death among teens, …show more content…

When you start drinking, it’s kind of a mystery, something you can’t do.” (“Alcohol Abuse and Youth” 1) Parents who continue to be highly involved with their children, their kids are less likely to drink. Parental interaction with at-risk teens is far more effective in keeping young people away from alcoholic beverages. As proof, teens who eat dinner with their whole family twice a week or less are sixty-five percent more likely to have tried alcohol than those who have family dinner five or more nights a week. However, harsh punishments given out by parents for drinking usually results in rebellious behavior and a lack of communication between adolescents and parents. Avoiding over-reactions when a teens drinking is discovered helps to lessen the teen’s rebellious behavior while keeping communication open. (Update: Alcohol Issues 6) Although using alcohol once is not necessarily abuse, young people who get in a habit of drinking on a regular basis or is associated with “binge” drinking. For men, excessive drinking is more than fourteen drinks per week and four per occasion and for women seven drinks per week and three per occasion. Research shows adolescents have had their first drink of alcohol at age eleven for boys and thirteen for girls. The average age for teenagers to begin drinking regular is just age sixteen. As a matter of fact, twenty-five percent of fourth

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