
The Problems of Underage Drinking Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The controversy of underage drinking has been a serious and difficult issue for many colleges, communities, and parents over the past several years. Fifty states in the U.S have already set their minimum alcohol drinking and purchasing age to twenty one. Yet many people, especially teenagers, oppose this legal drinking age and want it to be lowered. Nevertheless, the legal drinking age should not be lowered from twenty one to eighteen because of three main reasons. The higher minimum drinking age can help reduce the number of fatal car accidents, health hazards, and violent/ destructive behavior in teenagers. Underage drinking is overall dangerous to the society and will become more harmful if the legal drinking age is lowered. A higher …show more content…

Lastly, the minimum legal drinking age should remain because people tend to be more mature and responsible at 21 opposed to 18. Eighteen year olds are entering a new phase of life and are becoming independent from their parents. Although the opposition may say that 18 is the age of adulthood in the United States, the truth is they are most vulnerable at this stage. Through peer pressure and irresponsibility, they are more susceptible to violent/ destructive behaviors such as binge drinking, academic failure, physical altercations, arrests, and risky sexual behavior. Although 18 year olds are allowed to vote, smoke cigarettes, serve on juries, get married, and join the military, they are still too young to purchase a handgun, gamble in a casino, adopt a child, rent a car, or run for president. Therefore, drinking similarly should be restricted due to the responsibility required to self and others ( The legal minimum drinking age should not be lowered to 18 because of the number of fatal car accidents, health hazards, and violent/ destructive behaviors that accompany alcohol consumption. The 21 minimum drinking age reduces traffic accidents and fatalities and saves many lives. Moreover, the use of alcohol magnifies potential health hazards on a teenager’s still developing brain/ body. People tend to be more mature and responsible at 21 than 18

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