
The Process Of Designing A Class

Decent Essays

Diabetes has become an increasing debilitating disease to many people. Many of these people are unaware that they even have this disease until other complications develop. Studies have shown that with education in self-management practices, people can improve his or her quality of life. This paper will discuss the process of designing a class that will educate the community on these practices. The institution’s philosophy will be addressed, explain the educational need for this population group, a class description, the targeted audience, different learning styles, resources needed, learning outcomes, and learner objectives need to complete this class. Diabetic Education for the Community Based on statistics from the Centers for Disease Control website, 17.0 million people in the United States, approximately 6.2% of the population, have diabetes (CDC, 2015). Diabetes is a chronic disease that can cause severe complications resulting in kidney failure, blindness, amputation, loss of sensation, and cardiovascular disease when not controlled. Studies published have demonstrated that many of the debilitating effects of diabetes are avoidable through consistent glucose control, regular medical care, and self-management practices. These studies have shown that people with diabetes that attend diabetes self-management education (DSME) outpatient classes have better clinical outcomes compared to those that have not participated in these classes (Walton, Snead,

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