
The Progressive Era Of Women 's Rights Essay

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Looking back on the Progressive Era, we see many women activists and their roles in the fight for women’s rights. With the arrival of a new century also came many changes. Society was adjusting to industrialization, urbanization, a growing and powerful economy, and, of course, immigration. As a result of these changes, many people became fearful that traditional values would change as well. Progressive Reform in America began in the late nineteenth century, and an expanding job market as well as changes to the American lifestyle lead to women’s want for change in their public roles. Women activists began fighting for issues such as more opportunities for education and jobs, health advancements, and of course, voting rights. In doing so, women made great advancements in suffrage during the Progressive Era, and without a doubt, changed the nation for the better. Emerging businesses created new job possibilities for women, such as; saleswomen, clerks, secretaries, factory workers, etc. Factory work meant mass production of household items that were easily obtainable for the average middle class family, thus allowing women more time for leisure. Not only did the job market expand, but education also became more accessible, allowing younger females to seek achievement outside the household. Despite all these positive changes, women often felt defeated as men still viewed them as being good at domesticity and childbearing and not much else. Women still were unable to vote in

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