
The Pros And Cons Of Affirmative Action

Decent Essays

“An action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education; positive discrimination.” This is known as affirmative action. Affirmative action has been beneficial to many countries when trying to provide equity and justice for everyone, but in recent times it has more adverse effects than advantageous. Most notably in college admissions and in the workforce, it is now seen as unfair when minorities who received a sound upbringing due to equal opportunity policies, can also take advantage of affirmative action by gaining a position they did not earn. Although affirmative action policies have decreased since when they first started, measures should be taken to erase them entirely.
The term “affirmative action” was coined by John F. Kennedy during the African-American civil rights movement. Through affirmative action, Kennedy’s goal was to establish racial diversity in the government’s workforce that most closely resembled the proportions of the various ethnic groups in America. After Kennedy was assassinated, due to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, organizations outside of the government started to carry out affirmative action. Title VI outlawed any kind of discrimination in federal programs or government-funded events. Title VII built on Title VI to include that, in certain conditions, religion, sex, and national origin can be considered in hiring a candidate. Title VII was the first to address employment equity

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