In 2014 a group organization called People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) noted that more than 100 million animals are harmed or killed during animal testing. Animal testing is cruel and inhumane. Animals are being used for medical testing, but are not being cared for before, during, or after testing. Animals and humans are very similar, in that we have the same organ system which performs the same tasks in a similar fashion. Even though animals and humans share comparable DNA, we fail to see the similarities in physical and emotional pain that animals endure during testing. Subjecting even one animal to that type of cruelty, all in the name of science is one too many.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 2016, 71,370 animals suffered both physical and emotional pain during experiments while being given no anesthesia for relief. Among these animals were 1,272 nonhuman primates, 5,771 rabbits, 24,566 guinea pigs, and 33,280 hamsters. These numbers are astounding. Is it not possible for medical testing to be done on inanimate objects? Are animals the only choice? And, does animal testing really prove how safe new medical treatments are for humans? Yes, we share similar DNA but we also both feel pain.
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As noted in /, the USA spends $16 billion dollars annually for animal testing at taxpayers' expense and is subject to massive waste and mismanagement of taxpayers' dollars. That is a lot of money wasted on animal testing when a majority of the time the testing itself isn't advantageous to the medical field. The U.S. taxpayer's money is being wasted on testing that isn't always effective medically but is always traumatic for the animals being used for testing. Can humanity be bought? Does humanity have a price
The world doesn’t need more copycat products that the world already has (Peta). Many animals are being tested for unuseful things for humanity's benefits (Murnanhan). 12 billion to 14.5 billion dollars of our money is going towards animal testing that is mainly killing animals (dailycaller). Animals do not appreciate being tested on and they could act out, bite or injure the caretaker at any given moment (Regdirb).
There are over 26 million different types of animal being tested on for research each year in the United States. Animals are used for testing every year for human research. Different animals go through serious pain, in order for humans to facilitate growth in different fields of study. Many animals are used in order to study diseases and potential cures for the diseases. New research chemicals are tested on animals with similar structures to humans, to see if the medicine can help with certain diseases. Tons of scientific advancement has taken place because of animal testing. Without animal testing, many diseases would still exist, without a safe way to test for potential cures. The issue at hand is the type of treatment that animals have to endure because of the different testing methods. They are treated very poorly, go through intense suffering, and normally have very poor living conditions. A pro to animal testing is that many cures and different medicines have been developed through animal testing. Without animal testing, many diseases would still exist without cures. Secondly, animals have a much shorter life span than humans do, so scientists can study the results through the whole life span of the animal. With humans, it is hard to do a full test because we have such high lifespans, while animals tend to live a lot less longer. Thirdly, many animals have been saved because of animal testing. Many diseases animals deal with now have vaccines and cures, as a result of animal testing. Without it, many animals would have rabies or other types of virus that can be detrimental to the animal’s health. On the contrary, a con to animal testing would be the pain many animals go through as a result of the testing. The tests are experimental, so we don’t know exactly what the chemical drug will do to the animal. Many cases have turned bad and many animals have died as a result, or gone through extensive pain. Next, there are many alternative methods of experimental testing that doesn’t require animals. As a result, why are we still using animals for testing when there are other ways to do it. Finally, animals are different from humans, so they make poor testing subjects. We can’t know for sure how the research
An estimate of 1.4 million animals die each year due to animal testing. As people we have freedom, choice, and the right to live, however animals have a right to live in a world without suffering just as much as we do. Animals just like humans have emotions, thoughts, and feelings, so what makes it right to test on animals any more than to perform tests on humans? The benefits of testing on animals has still not been proven as the treatments that show promise in animals rarely work on humans. There are also many other options for testing techniques that we can use without performing harmful tests on animals, and finally it's entirely unethical. There are many alternatives overall so it is really still considered ethically right to take the freedom of animals just because we want to do research. Animal testing should no longer have a place in our modern day world.
In recent studies scientist claim that animal testing is beneficial to the advancement of human knowledge, while animal rights’ activists claim that animal testing is not humane and violates animals’ rights. The controversy over animal testing is best understood as a disagreement about whether animal testing is beneficial to humans. Each year more than 100 million animals are killed in the U.S. Every country has a law that permits medical experimentation on animals. While some countries protect particular kinds of animals from being subject to extermination. Britain has some of the strictest laws and regulations in the world that exists as a positive step for both animal testing supporters and those who are against it. There are
Scientifically testing an animal is another way people abuse animals. When testing on animals, it causes them harm throughout their life. In the book Titled “Animals and Society: An introduction to Human-Animal Studies” by Margo DeMello he explains how animals hurt from birth to their last breathe. DeMello says, “Animals used for medical experiments and product testing live – from birth until death – often painful, lonely lives in small cages” (p. 237). These animals are kept in laboratories to test the products humans use on a daily basis such as Windex, Post-it Notes, Trojan Condoms, Mars Candy, Band-Aids, Kleenex and many other products we though could not be harmful to us or animals. 62 percent of animals are being used for testing for medical purposes and are also being tested on for the products we use in our daily lives according to the article, Save the Animals: Stop Animal Testing. Testing on animals is not the right thing to do, knowing that these animals go through a variety of testing, is painful. Animals are so much like humans. Like the article explains “Animals and people are alike in many ways; they both feel, think, behave, and experience pain” (“Save the Animals: Stop Animal Testing”). Most of the tests that are done on these animals are very harmful and may cause the animal to hurt for a while or even permanently. Sometimes these tests even cause the death of the animal. Abusing animals like this is also a way of abusing their rights. The most common of
“The nature of pain is perhaps even more complex in animals. How pain is sensed and the physical processes behind this are remarkably similar and well conserved across mammals and humans.” (Independent) Animals such as rats, mice, monkeys,and many others can feel even more pain than us humans. These animals can feel. They can feel as their bodies shut down when the chemical you are putting on or inside of them slowly kill them. Have you ever had to feel your entire body shut down? Because these animals sure have. This is why animal testing is wrong and humanity needs to take some steps in another direction.
Charles Darwin, a renowned scientist, wrote to the Oxford zoologist Ray Lankester in 1871 : “You ask about my opinion on vivisection (animal testing). I quite agree…it is a subject that makes me sick with horror, so I will not say another word about it else I shall not sleep to-night, ” So you’d think, that nearly 150 years after Darwin’s words there would be some change in opinion. You’d think that when a scientist’s idol shows absolute disgust for animal testing they’d stop, especially as there are more effective and money-saving methods today. Experimenting on animals is cruel and morally wrong. Even as I speak, animals are being crammed into cages in the name of medical ‘research’. Animals are very different from humans, their anatomical structures are also different, so why test on animals when it the drugs they are being tested with are meant for HUMANS? What kind of sick logic is this?
The world’s largest cosmetic markets have banned animal testing for cosmetics. Major companies have turned their backs completely on animal testing and no longer use ingredients that were tested on animals – and a number of animal tests have been completely replaced with superior, cheaper and more effective non-animal methods. Proponents of animal testing say that it has enabled the development of many life-saving treatments for both humans and animals, that there is no alternative method for researching a complete living organism, and that strict regulations prevent the mistreatment of animals in laboratories. Opponents of animal testing say that it is cruel and inhumane to experiment on animals, that the laws only protect the least
Products that fill the shelves of supermarkets have a more complicated background than many believe. Behind every ingredient that companies list on packaging of cosmetics and medicine, both prescription and over the counter, is a choice that corporations must make regarding the treatment of animals. Laboratories harm animals and even kill them when conducting laboratory tests for new products. Numerous tests have been created since the wide use of animals, such as artificial skin tests that have no negative consequence for them. Global governments have differing laws dealing with these harmful means of production, but many allow this to take place, while even protecting household pets. Many people do not think of the process that precedes products on store shelves. Deadly animal testing with questionable ingredients is constantly being proven to be outdated by new types of tests for both cosmetic and medical uses.
Animal testing has been the go-to method for medical and scientific experiments for some centuries now and has its fair share of success in the past. However, its time has come to and it needs to be replaced with other methods. Animal testing is unprecedentedly brutal and inhumane, results from animal testing won’t always apply to humans, and modern technology has given alternative methods to torturing.
In 2017 alone, over one hundred animals died due to animal testing. 3.4 million of those animals were common household pets. If people go to jail for animal neglect and abuse, then why is animal testing permitted? This is a debatable topic because some people believe animal testing is acceptable for science and medicine. It is argued that animal testing is necessary for products even though pet possessed animals are victims tortured, causes human health issues from faulty results, and better alternatives have been show cased.
“Before their deaths, some are forced to inhale toxic fumes, others are immobilized in restraint devices for hours, some have holes drilled into their skulls, and others have their skin burned off or their spinal cords crushed.” (PETA association, 2014) For many years, people have been killing animals to perform tests on them. This needs to stop, humans are abusing animals by conducting harmful experiments on the animals. The abuse and testing can lead to death of the animal. These animals are all suffering from exploitation through cosmetic testing, medical training, and chemical/drug testing.
Animal testing started back in the late nineteenth century when french biologist, Louis Pasteur, [7] tested anthrax on sheep to show how important vaccines really are. Despite the advantages that may have come from animal testing, it is an extremely controversial topic to this very day. People prefer to look at animals as they would humans; something with emotions, feelings, and even similar body parts. Based on PETA, over one million animals are tested on each year in U.S. laboratories [1] and what is being tested on them can range from cosmetics to household cleaners. Although the companies that are involved in the testing are being blamed for the countless brutality to animals, it is being done for the safety of humans. Is animal testing really necessary or is it doing more bad than good for business?
When people think about animal testing they think of animals that are being tortured and killed to find out a new medical treatment. The definition of “Animal testing” is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study. Animal testing usually focuses on finding a cure for a disease, but keeping an animal to see if a certain kind of disease can be cured using an animal first is not right. Animals should not be used for research because it is cruel, it is unreliable, and it is expensive.
Animal testing is commonly known as the experimentation of animals for research purposes. It is mostly used today for biomedical research and cosmetic testing. This research method has made a tremendous contribution to medical advancements and the protection of humans. Animals such as mice, dogs, cats, and even cows are used to perform experimental trials that help develop new medicine and better products. Although animal testing is seen as negative and inhumane to many, it is a beneficial way to improve human wellbeing.