
The Pros And Cons Of Baseball

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According to the article, “Quotations About Baseball” (2017), Bill Veeck stated, “That’s the true harbinger of spring, not crocuses or swallows returning to Capistrano, but the sound of a bat on a ball.” See what’s crazy is this quote can apply to so much. As everyone loves when springtime rolls around, avid sport lovers are eager for spring athletics. Known as America’s pastime, baseball has been loved amongst the country since its creation in 1836. According to the chart, “Top 10 List of the World’s Most Popular Sports” (2017), lists baseball as number seven and boasts a whopping “five hundred million fans”. Being an average American, I notice how Americans close their mind to their beloved spring athletics. Past the ocean borders beholds land with totally different cultures. Where America has baseball, Asia, Australia, and the United Kingdom all turn their eyes toward a sport that originated in 1877, cricket. “Top 10 List of the World’s Most Popular Sports” (2017) lists cricket as the second most popular sport in the world entrancing over “2.5 billion fans”. While baseball is so popular in the United States, cricket rules the eastern hemisphere with five times the number of fans. The two sports are similar and different on multiple aspects, an argument definitely arises when discussing the difficulty between the two. Each sport has their own attributes to declare better or more challenging than the other. I believe it’s all a matter of opinion, facts, and experience, but

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