
The Pros And Cons Of Body Cameras

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Did you ever think how life would be if police officers had body cameras?. Do you think all this would have happened if these unarmed African Americans weren’t shot?. Ever since these unarmed African Americans were shot, this country has been getting out of hand, now there's rioting on the streets people are breaking into stores stealing things. Things are getting out of hand so much violence they had to bring the national guard to come protect us. Thank god things died down violence was stopped on the streets because they saw that it was not going no where, so they started actually peaceful protesting which we were trying to do but things got out of hand.
Having police officers with body cameras would keep citizens from false claiming. Police officers having body …show more content…

The body camera would be more effective cause the vehicle video camera can't catch everything unless the police officer is in front of the vehicle but if the suspect starts to run the officer has no choice but to chase the suspect and leave the vehicle behind, which the vehicle camera can’t catch what happens next so that when the body cameras would come in handy. “ Body-worn cameras and car cameras allows you to capture the whole picture. The body cameras are the best thing to have because you would always see what's going you're always in the line of sight. I say body cameras would be more effective than not having body cameras.
Body cameras was put to the test to see which one was more effective having body cameras or no body cameras. Officers assigned to wear cameras issued 23.1% more citations for ordinance violations. “ Officers who did not wear body cameras conducted more stop and frisks”. In many cases Cops with body cameras did better than cops without body cameras so more arrest have been made and less complaints about the officers. Just incase could police officers alter the footage and change what they were

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