
The Pros And Cons Of College Education

Decent Essays

“Is college worth the cost? Many recent graduates don’t think so” is an article from The Washington Post by Jeffrey J. Selingo. This article published on September 30, 2015, addresses the issue being is a college education worth a large amount of money and debt these students have acquired just for a piece paper called a degree. This is relevant because a large majority of high schoolers face this issue. They don’t know if they can afford college and they do not want debt, but at the same time, most workplaces require some type of degree. That is exactly what this article acknowledges that at this time a college degree is only worth the debt because without it you are more likely to be unemployed. However, this article also addresses all the negatives of obtaining a college degree and how even with a degree you could find yourself in a state of unemployment. To inform the readers of the negatives surrounding a college degree the author uses to appeal to authority, statistics, and appeal to emotions to prove his point. Within the article the author uses an appeal to authority to prove his opinion regarding the question this article is based upon, “Is college worth the debt?” For example, in the article, the author states “Peter Cappelli, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School…Cappelli writes looking at the actual return on the costs of attending college are actually negative.” The author uses an appeal to authority by stating Peter Cappelli’s status

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