
The Pros And Cons Of Creationism

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One of the biggest interest groups to oppose the idea of adopting Creationism in K-12 public schools is the American Anthropological Association. Their findings show that teaching human biology and non-human biology are the key factors to students excelling in other subjects in science. Students cannot fully understand biology and natural science without evolution being taught. Teaching Creationism could conflict with students’ understanding other parts of biology and natural sciences. Evolution has debunked Creationism through scientific data and physical proof. The following are four independent validations of evidence for evolution. First is fossil records. Fossils are the remains of dead organisms often embedded in rocks and preserved for ages. The study of fossils has shown similarity and dissimilarity between the current living organisms or those known for centuries back. Fossils also date back the time of occurrence of such common ancestors. Similarity is what points towards ancestral relation while the lack of identical features shows evolution. Second is the chemical and anatomical similarities. Our genetic sequencing directly proves the similarity in genetic material between modern humans and their ancestors (chimpanzees and humans) while also showing common genetic features. Embryos of many mammals look similar. Third is the geographical distribution. The environment also supports existence of a particular species which might be non-existent in another region on earth. Charles Darwin found that finches on the Galapagos Islands have modified beak shapes suited for the food source available on the island. This shows how particular species have genetic feature to suit their environment. And finally there is both natural and artificial selection. This evolution is based on the fact that nature selects for the fittest which can survive in changing adverse conditions. Over time, populations of the evolved species either increases or decreases based on the environment. The selection show what is the breed of species with better traits so as to obtain an offspring with best traits of both parents and superior to them.
The evidence shows that we don't hint at the idea of special creation because then current

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