
Racial Discrimination In America Essay

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Think of Discrimination as a line segment, it will continue to go on unless an end is put to it. In the United States those endpoints have not yet been added. Discrimination comes in many different ways, and it seems to happen pretty much everywhere.Everyone experiences some type of discrimination in their lifetime. Discrimination is treating someone differently because of who they are, or their preference of a particular group. People all around claim that discrimination has ended a long time ago, but they are the ones that are doing it daily. It is hard to really notice that discrimination is still happening. People are constantly comparing things together, they are constantly looking for the better view, and the better form. America is known mainly for their different cultures, languages, and religions, but when discrimination is happening to Americans than Americans start questioning. People come here to get away from the problem but will come here to encounter many different ones that are sometimes bigger than the ones they tried to get away from. The thought of discrimination is lingering on in people's minds, but it still continues to happen to different kinds of people and almost everywhere. The first thing people will typically think about when it comes to discrimination is racial, but racial discrimination is certainly not the main type of discrimination because it does come in many different forms. Slavery is where most racial discrimination started to happen,

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