
The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Coding

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Does changing a babies genetic coding help or harm them? Since 1975 it has been possible to choose the gender of your baby before even becoming pregnant with a child. Now you can take genes from an unborn child and change their genetic coding to prevent genetic diseases. People should not be allowed to genetically engineer their baby, even though it has the potential to prevent disease, it is potentially harmful to the baby and not 100% effective.
Changing a child's genetic coding before birth could prevent many diseases, such as cancer and diabetes as well as some diseases passed down through generations from certain mitochondrial diseases. Prevents death and disease in younger children. Being healthier mean stronger children. Although the child may be healthier, and stronger changing the genetic coding of a baby could cause life threatening causes to the baby. "...Abnormal children have been born as result of mitochondrial transfer," Lord Robert Winston said. "I think, in preventing one genetic disease, you are likely to cause another genetic disease." (qtd in Designing Life; should Babies Be Genetically Engineered?, 2)
Mitochondrial transfer is also referred to as cytoplasmic transfer. A cytoplasmic transfer or mitochondrial transfer is a …show more content…

Both pro and anti sides have referred to eugenics. "William and Krimsky pointed out that genetically modifying children to choose desirable traits evoked this approach." (Designing Life: Should Babies Be Genetically Engineered?, 2) How do we know that someone like Hitler won't take over and create an army of super soldiers? How can we insure that racism, sexism, and general stereotyping won't become worse? We can't and that is why preventing diseases is not a strong enough argument to justify the genetic alteration of a human being before birth even

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