
The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Enhancement

Decent Essays

In this paper I will be arguing that genetic engineering of embryos, genetic therapy, and genetic enhancement should be permissible. Genetic engineering is modifying an organism’s genetic makeup. There are two different methods in genetic engineering: genetic therapy and genetic enhancement. The two differ because genetic therapy serves to treat diseases, whereas genetic enhancement “go beyond” that of therapy. For example, an enhancement would be to use genetic engineering so that one’s child could have blue eyes instead of brown. Also, an enhancement could improve upon features that are deemed “abnormal” to the standard norm, such as deafness or depression. My first argument for genetic therapy is that this technology will be able to help cure serious genetic illnesses that would otherwise cause tremendous suffering. My second argument for genetic enhancement is it would eliminate the randomization of genes, so parents could decide what features their child should have.
Genetic engineering will prevent the suffering of …show more content…

A parent decides their child’s future for them already, such as picking what schools they go to or what food they put into their bodies. But what becomes of the child is the decision of the child because they are their own person. An example is of a parent that wants their child to attend a prestigious college. The parent would do all they can to help the child to be accepted into this prestigious college, but it is the child’s decision if they want to attend. Second, the argument suggests that the child can decide for themselves what they would want their genetic makeup to be, but it is a randomization of genes that make up our genetics. Thus, without the help of genetic engineering nobody can alter their own genes. With or without genetic enhancements parents will always make premature decisions for their children and have expectations for

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