
The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Clinton

Decent Essays

Women around the world have been plagued by a host of issues including poverty, sexual abuse, domestic violence, the wage gap, poor pre and post-natal care, inadequate representation in numerous fields, and human trafficking for centuries. While these problems are certainly abhorrent, recently, especially in the United States, there is a new issue arising. Obviously we are in a very unique time in our country, as far as politics go. This country is undeniably extremely divided over the Presidency of Donald Trump. Many people believed that because Hillary Clinton is a woman all women should have voted for her, presumably to help eradicate gender discrimination. I see this as a problem because voting on a candidate solely based on their gender IS gender discrimination. Additionally, it is insulting to women to be told that we should all hold the same views because of our gender. Rather than attack each other for not holding the same ideals, we as women should encourage and empower each other to educate ourselves and make our own informed decisions. …show more content…

One of the most current notable examples is Hillary Clinton. Regardless of your opinion of her, she undeniably is a woman that conducts herself with grace, and serves as an inspiration for young girls. Although she lost, she showed that a woman can run for president. Condoleezza Rice, who sits on the opposite end of the spectrum, is another example of an amazing role model for women. She was the first African American female to serve as Secretary of State as well as the first woman to be the National Security Advisor for the

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