
The Pros And Cons Of Human Space Exploration

Decent Essays

Human space exploration certainly has its advantages over robots in several ways. The first of such is that humans are capable of on-the-spot decisions and critical thinking. Humans are able to adapt and respond to unforeseen circumstances while robots simply cannot. Such a thing is evident in the robotic Viking mission to Mars. Detailed by the article "The Future of Space Exploration -Manned or Robotic Missions," the Viking landers on Mars were equipped with tools to sample the Martian soil and a small chemistry lab to detect whether or not the soil contained life. The results obtained were highly unusual, and chemical reactions from the soil were unlike any known life-form on Earth. It was concluded that the soil was lifeless; however, the robot was designed only to detect Earth-type life. The chemical reactions certainly could have been a sign of unknown Martian organisms, and a trained human would have been able to test for this and reach a definitive conclusion. If a trained human was in the same position, he/she would have been able to perform additional tests and conclusively determine whether or not unknown Martian life existed in the soil sample …show more content…

Human exploration is much more efficient in terms of scientific progress per mission. However, looking strictly at monetary cost per mission, robotic exploration is much cheaper. The Mars Science Laboratory, the latest Mars rover, cost roughly 2.5 billion dollars to build and land on Mars (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, "Mars Science Laboratory Landing"). The exact cost of a manned mission to Mars is uncertain, but is given a range of 80 to 100 billion dollars (Kaufman, "A Mars Mission for Budget Travelers"). The rover is clearly a more efficient choice in terms of monetary value; however, the scientific knowledge gained from manned versus unmanned missions is drastically

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