
The Pros And Cons Of Immigrants

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“A winter storm hit the camp the week before we arrived, flooding and collapsing all of the tents. Refugees were literally left homeless (or more accurately, tent-less). What little clothing and food supplies they had, were destroyed. Our trip was an emergency relief trip to provide winter jackets, food aid, portable heating units and medical supplies.” This is something that really happened to a woman named Suzanne Kawmieh, a journalist who got to experience what being a refugee is like. Being a refugee is difficult, as they are forced to flee their home countries to foreign countries due to several factors, with almost nothing but humanitarian aid and a sense of dread. Meanwhile, immigrants are not forced to leave their countries. It is a choice for them, and they seek a new home for …show more content…

They may do so because they are driven by economic factors or they want to be close to family. Whatever the reason, their relocation is an option. However, the way different immigrants relocate may differs. Legal immigrants are those who have gone through the legal process in order to live in the new country. Illegal immigrants are those who crossed the borders illegally, without the proper documents. Immigrants and refugees are identical because both are groups of people who leave their countries to migrate to new ones. Both groups are pushed away from their old country due to differing factors. To illustrate, immigrants may be pushed from their homes due to the thought of a better life in their new country, whereas refugees may be pushed from their homes due to the wars ravaging their countries. The immigration experience is different from a refugee’s experience as well. Immigrants can bring benefits to a country, whereas refugees can drain resources, as well as cause political unrest. According to, “The impact of the Syrian crisis on Lebanon has been

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