I believe that Law Enforcement Officers often have to make some tough decisions. Some of these decisions can determine whether someone goes free or spends the rest of their life behind bars, and maybe even life and death. There are times when an officer must choose to do the right thing or the option that doesn't lose them their job. I agree that there is also a lot of pressure on officers today on how they are perceived by the public and the decisions they make effect how are perceived. While a lot of people see them as people who are just trying to punish us, there are a lot of people who respect officers. I don't think people should judge Law Enforcement Officers based on the actions of some bad cops. So the ethical decisions that officers
Having had the opportunity to see both sides of the argument play out in the City of Memphis and as a member of the Memphis Police Department. I have become an advocate for requiring entry-level police officers to have at the very minimum an associate degree or the equivalent college credits. The college requirement can only be avoided with military experience. However, my position is not that more education makes you a better police officer or less education makes you a lousy officer. I believe that there should be a “happy medium” when it comes to police work. A good officer will be empathic, fair and in tune with the needs of the community and its members. Requiring a level of education for your entry-level officers speaks volumes about your agency and their dedication to professionalism. The benefits of having a college educated officer have shown to make a difference in the way they do their jobs. An educated police officer is less likely to utilize force when interacting with his co-workers or civilians. A department with educated officers also has shown to see a reduction in misconduct and disciplinary issues(Gómez-Mejía et al., 2016). Some years back the Memphis Police Department had relaxed their
Police departments across the country and their actions of their employees have been scrutinized a lot lately in the media. Not only the way their employees behave but the way they recruit potential employees. Police officers take an oath to protect the communities that they serve in and uphold the constitution no matter what race, gender or ethnicity. With that being said, police officers should also be made up of people of different genders, races, and ethnicities.
Hiring police officers to perform private security work has positive aspects and potential pitfalls. Business owners vary in their opinion on hiring police officers. Liability and cost are reasons some prefer to hire private security guards or take other security measures. Other business owners prefer the training, professionalism, deterrence, and authority that come with hiring a police officer. Due to lawsuits involving off-duty police officers, the Courts have had to develop tests to determine when a moonlighting police officer is working under the authority of the private company or in the role of a peace officer. Issues have arisen about the
First of all a big “Thank You” to the cops who work day and night for the safety of the people and the society. The work cop do for the people is highly praise- worthy. Today we can walk and do legal things without fear because of cops who make it possible for us. But there are some people who doesn’t see this and instead tell others about the danger of cops. Yes, there are some bad cops out there who had intentionally or unintentionally taken wrong decisions and had harmed the reputation of the police department. This doesn’t mean every cops are the same.
In this scenario as the Chief of Police this student would impose significant action as opposed to termination. The individual in question has a virtually clean record and on paper the individual in question is considered to be a good police officer. Good police officers are needed. Although the act that was committed is not something anyone should be looking at while in a work. It is against all companies’ policies that do not deal in the matter of pornography and is unacceptable. In the military when an individual does something distasteful he or she is not terminated for their actions, but they are held accountable and punished according to the rules and regulations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice also known as the UCMJ.
You said: “The narrative they are presenting is a false one. Cops are not indiscriminately killing blacks.”
Every day, there seems to be a new name added to the list of the people killed by the members of the police force. Whether you look in New York State or around the country, many of these so-called saviors have been doing nothing short of slaughtering person after person and getting away just by flashing their badges. It is clear that the missions of some of these “precious civil servants” are doing more harm than good. How can we trust the police force to possess lethal weapons if they can’t stop their violence for long enough to wash the blood from their hands? The purpose of the police force is to protect, but citizens have been feeling anything but safe around officers. Over the years, the New York Police Department has
As, the late president, Ronald Reagan once said, “Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives”; this statement remains true today. Law enforcement is one branch of our government thus the statement by Reagan applies to police officers as well as direct government officials. Police officers have no intention of running or ruining the lives of citizens but to protect them from harm unfortunately this has become hard for the public to believe due to social media. The media has had a negative impact on society's view of police officers. Police officers must do whatever is necessary to protect citizens, this is their job and social media chooses what sides of law enforcement to publicize.
Police behavior has been a continuous controversy in the United States. Communities have begun to fear law enforcement and can potentially rebel against police forces because of the way these acts are surfacing the media. Police officers are sought out to be the people in charge of containing chaos in society, but most of the time, now, they are the root of the chaos. For the most part, I believe some police officers know how to properly hold their composure when it comes to dealing with difficult situations. I believe this is solely due to the levels of education and skills new recruitees are obtaining. There are other instances in which I believe that not all officers deserve to be police officers. I have often seen television shows about what police forces consist of, in
It is generally respected that the police in any given society have a troublesome occupation to satisfy. Managing culprits and putting themselves in damages path on an everyday premise is without a doubt, a splendid calling. Despite the fact that seen as troublesome, there is a basic notion in the overall population that the occupation of law authorization officers is moderately clear. Basically, their employment is to capture the "terrible folks". This is consistent with a point, an extensive an aspect of their responsibilities is to capture these supposed "awful folks" be that as it may it is not as direct and straightforward as individuals would trust it to be. Police are confronted with intense good choices on an everyday premise. They
It must also be said that obviously all officers are not corrupt or out to kill. Certainly the actions of bad police make it even harder on those who genuinely wish to do an honest job and be upstanding in their privileged positions. In all honesty, the actions of officers who are either corrupt, badly trained, trigger happy or just scared and or inept are making things bad for decent officers and everyone else as well. Something has to give and more dialogue has to start happening or we will simply be doomed to more of the same. If things ever get so bad that this country finds its citizens facing off against any branch of law enforcement, hopefully those in uniform will realize in time that, they are us, just as we are them. Here’s to hoping
On a daily basis, we read stories of officers who do wrong. For examples, theft, use of force, misappropriation use of public office, abuse of authority, and even simple things like speeding, are all unethical behavior on the part of those that the public has trusted to serve and protect them. On the other hand, it must be noted that the huge majority of police officers are good, hard-working and dedicated people who strive to serve the public and do the right thing at every turn.
What makes a law officer a trustworthy person? When a law enforcement officer makes a choice based on ethics, the root of the intent reflects the character of the officer. Had their intent been based out of being a good person? Or was it an attention-getting deviant who was trying to make up to the commanding officer for an inappropriate act. The reasoning will reflect a person for their true ethical character in its entirety. The reasons a person becomes a law enforcement office should come from a good place with good intention. As we speak, there has been an abundance of media about some officers acting out of poor ethics. For these reasons, the American communities are turning into skeptics. Would this be justified? Is this hypocrisy?
There has been a great deal of police-related incidents in the news during the past year. In some cases, the police were cleared, and in some lesser-known cases the police were even arrested and held accountable. It would appear to the casual observer that most of the cases were resolved in favor of the law enforcement officer, and many individuals feel that this is unfair. In some cases, this could be true to a certain extent. However, this is not true in the way that many people would think. The fact of the matter is, 99 times out of 100 the cops are not bad people that deliberately set out at the beginning of every shift to ruin people 's lives. They are out there strictly to protect their jurisdiction and serve the community at large. Indeed, in Gaines and Kappeler 's book they actually dedicate their work to an individual police chief who was instrumental in beginning a program to help parents who could not afford a child safety seat be able to obtain one simply by going to the department and getting one. (Gaines and Kappeler, dedication) However, law enforcement is one of the most difficult professions out there even under the best of circumstances. When a police officer has to navigate a cold and uncaring management and a society that feels like law enforcement is not working in their best interest, even the best of law enforcement personnel can become burned out in a small amount of time. This kind of disconnect can happen even in law enforcement agencies that are
Police Officers have a difficult job where the code of ethics has been studied and learned before they became officers. As I analyze the code of ethics in my personal opinion, the code of ethics is being violated most of the time; because some officers are bias, racist, under stress most of the time, ethics or integrity is not part of their personality. For example, Police misconduct, police brutality, and how officers testified in court against the people all the time and they are automatically betraying the people. What is written in paper about the code of ethics is not what officers practice. Public safety is a serious job we live in a very dangerous era, and how will people cooperate with police officers, if their job is to reinforce the law all the