
The Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana is one of the most misunderstood forms of medication. Since there is so much controversy about whether it is harmful or beneficial, there is naturally a fear of unknown side effects(Strickland, CNN). Although supporters of medicinal and recreational marijuana significantly outnumber its opposers, it’s prohibition is just now beginning to waver. Many doctors and officials are still fighting to keep the ban. Little did most of America know, cannabis could be found in most medicine cabinets in the early 1900’s before it became illegal(Reiman & Burnett, Drug Policy Alliance). It has been clinically proven that marijuana is less habit-forming than other opiate drugs, and there is absolutely no risk of fatal overdose(Gupta, CNN). Research proves that the plant is able to treat and cure numerous types of illnesses. …show more content…

Back then, claims were made that marijuana caused “men of color” to solicit sex from white women. This sparked the creation of the Marijuana Tax Act of of 1937, which banned it’s use and sale; but this act was later ruled unconstitutional. In the 1990’s when immigration from Mexico was the hot topic, the media did everything to portray their culture and customs as “evil.” One of these customs was the use of cannabis as a medicine and relaxant. They referred to the plant as “marihuana,” which was a foreign term compared to its recurrent name, cannabis. The media claimed that this native behavior was disruptive and dangerous. Decades earlier, San Francisco put an interdiction on the use and distribution of opium in an effort to control Chinese immigrants. Similarly, the United States Border Patrol took the prohibition of marijuana and used it as an excuse to search, detain, and deport Mexican immigrants(Reiman & Burnett, Drug Policy

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