
The Pros And Cons Of Lone Wolf Terrorism

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Before the delegation enters the subject of Lone Wolf terrorism, the delegation believes the definition of terrorism must be addressed first, in order to distinguish the differences.
The definition of the European Union (2013) characterizes terrorism as an premeditated act with the aim of “seriously intimidating a population, or unduly compelling a government or international organization to perform or abstain from performing any act, or seriously destabilizing or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international organization” (European Union, 2002, p. 4).
Although this definition is proper, the United Kingdom has their own definition for this atrocious act. The Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993 section …show more content…

According to several figures from the Global Terrorism Database, between 2000-2017, 126 have been killed in the UK as a result of a terrorist act, this, compared to the 1,094 deaths between 1985-1999, and a further 2,211 deaths among 1970-1984, leads us to the conclusion that terrorism is killing less people in the UK now, than it was in the 1980’s.
Since 1970 UK has faced the most deaths, as a result of a terrorism act, in Western Europe, with a total of 3,395.
With the UK’s threat level left at severe, terrorism is an increasing concern for the people in Europe, but figures show that Europe is one of safest areas, compared to other regions, like the Middle East or North Africa.
In spite of the low numbers in the past years, terrorist attacks and lone wolf terrorism should not be taken lightly.
Since early 2003, the United Kingdom has had a long-term strategy for countering international terrorism (known by the Government as CONTEST). Its aim is to reduce the risk from international terrorism. The strategy is divided into four principal strands: prevent, pursue, protect, and

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