
The Pros And Cons Of Minimum Wage

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The Interest in the minimum wage started in many countries in the wake recession, which has happened in the late twenties and early thirties of the last century. This difficult, contribute on falling wages to unsustainable levels, both socially and politically. Accordingly, the free market and the weak bargaining of workers, especially workers with a low level of education and skills, has teamed up to pay very low wages. As a result, the very low wages of workers led to deterioration of their living conditions and search for ways, and means to protect their rights. Wages and Hours Bill or the Fair Labor Standards Act established a national minimum wage as a federal protection. At the height of the Great Depression president Franklin Roosevelt signed the federal minimum wage into law, which is basically the minimum amount of compensation that employers legally pay to their workers; in order to motivate the economy by increasing people’s purchasing power and protect workers from greedy employers. According to U.S Department of Labor, “More than 130 million American workers are protected (or "covered") by the FLSA, which is enforced by the Wage …show more content…

The consequences of minimum wages seem to serve a portion not majority, which is the contrary of utilitarianism concept. Raising minimum wages can cause unemployment to go up, it reduces the number of entry-level jobs for less skilled workers and young people, and it would hurt low skills workers and so on. The end result, then, the happiness will not be general, yet some parties will be satisfied with the consequences and the other party, or the majority are not. Therefore, the case of raising minimum wages lacks the principles of the ethical theory Utilitarianism, which determines actions based on what will achieve the greatest happiness for the greatest number of

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