
The Pros And Cons Of Predator Drones

Decent Essays

A ten year old girl sits on the ground between her mother’s legs as her mother’s course hands run through her hair, braiding it to let the breeze reach her neck in the hot summer laid out before them. In the distance, her younger cousins run through the tall grass, their laughs intermingling as their small legs try to outrun the buckets of water being thrown at them by their sister. The girl can see her father through the crack of their open front door, sitting at a table with her uncle and their other male guests. His head is thrown back with laughter and his twinkling eyes meet hers through the crack. He smiles. Seconds later, the sun is covered by shadow and she screams, racing for the buckets faster than she thought possible. Her body is …show more content…

The CIA has thirty known Predator and Reaper drones operated by the United States Air Force, who has a count of 150 total, while the Department of Homeland Security has 10 known unarmed Predator drones that cost $62 million a year. Predator drones, which specialize in providing intelligence and reconnaissance, and Reaper drones, which are more heavily armed and whose main purpose is to attack time-sensitive targets with persistence, both cost $2500-$3500 per flight hour, while Global Hawk drones cost $30,000 per flight hour (Friends Committee On National Legislation, 2017; U.S. Air Force, 2015). Although the use of drone strikes in foreign countries is cheaper than the use of U.S. military personnel, it is not the most effective when it comes to reaching its …show more content…

Non governmental humans’ rights organization Amnesty International calls drone strikes “war crimes” if the United States unlawfully targets militant groups the U.S. is not in armed conflict with. According to Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, “Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life,” but how can we adhere to that if it is exactly what we are

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