
The Pros And Cons Of Rhetorical Switching

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Holmes (2013, p. 29) adds that CS can also be used by speakers to express certain feelings and attitudes. Speakers may switch codes to express feelings such as; happiness, excitement, anger, sadness, and many other feelings. CS is often used in speech and rhetoric on purpose in order to attract attention and to persuade the recipient. Holmes (2013, p. 42) defines the term “metaphorical switching” as “code-switching for rhetorical reasons”. When speakers switch codes in such cases, they are more capable of reaching their goal in persuading their audience as it attracts attention, indicates a certain social identity, and gives the speaker more credibility. Holmes (2017, p. 43) states the following: (H)e is code-switching for rhetorical reasons, drawing on the associations for both codes. This type of switching has sometimes been called “metaphorical switching”. Each of the codes represents or symbolizes a set of social meanings, and the speaker draws on the associations of each, just as people use metaphors to represent complex meanings. The term also reflects that this kind of switching involves rhetorical skill. Skillful code-switching operates like metaphor to enrich conversation. As presented by Crystal (1987), there are a number of reasons why bilinguals tend to switch codes. The first of these is the inability of a speaker to express him/herself in one language so they switch to the other to compensate for the deficiency. This type of CS tends to occur when the

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