
The Pros And Cons Of Selfie

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A huge trend that every smartphone owner has been a part of irrespective of their age is 'selfie'. Today a five year old looks at the camera and smiles, knowing that 'selfie' is being clicked. As convenient as it has become now to embrace the easy life, we can't ignore the fact that everything has it's own pros and cons.
A 'selfie' refers to a self portrait taken by a photographer. It is clicked by activating the front-facing camera, holding the camera with one end and then clicking it. For the ease of people, and to click better selfies, 'selfie-stick' has been invented. It is a long stick at the end of which you can place your phone and then with a button on the stick, selfies can be clicked. Today the stick is being sold at astonishing prices …show more content…

The English Lawn Tennis Club which hosts the Wimbledon Tennis Championship has banned people from taking selfies because of its nuisance value of selfie sticks and so that it doesn't disturb the audiences' enjoyment of the event. Similar bans have been observed in Colosseum in Rome and the Smithsonian Museum in the US. Football clubs like Tottenham Hotspur, The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, Palace of Versailles has also laid prohibitions on clicking selfies. It has been noticed that people taking selfies often lead up to huge problems like going to the edge of the sea to click selfie and being drowned in the water. In May 2015, two tourists in Cremona, Italy, damaged a 300 year old Italian statue whilst taking selfies and are now facing criminal charges.
With time, the craze of selfies have been creating a havoc across the globe. Experts say that selfies and smartphones are no longer a convenience but a sign of self- absorption. The selfie fever can isolate this generation and generations to …show more content…

It tries to bring up relatable content so that the attention of the audience can be captured. In the same way, the music has captured this trend to attract more audience through songs like 'Selfie maine le li aaj', 'Selfie le le re', 'Selfie Pulla' and many more songs have contributed to the craze of selfies.
Because of the Selfie Craze prevelant, there have been many Selfie contests that have start up. One of such contests was started by our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, named 'Selfie with Daughter' in which parents click a selfie with their daughter and post it with a feel that they are proud to be the parents of a girl child. This initiative was started to motivate the society to have a girl child. Several such selfie contests are arranged by various companies as well to promote and advertise their brand as they ask people to post their selfies on social media along with hashtags promoting their brand.
Selfie should be taken only as a fun activity. The problem is the youth doesn’t know what has to be posted over social media which leads them to troubles. Selfie can make you both sad and happy. Who doesn’t feel happy seeing one’s beautiful pictures? It has given birth to

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