
The Pros And Cons Of Slavery

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My friends, slavery is a delicate system, like a spider’s web moving about in the wind. It catches many slaves like flies stuck in the web, knowing their doom is inevitable. The slave owners are the spiders, using the flies to further their livelihood and their estate. To the spiders, the flies are simply a means to an end, their worth only equivalent to the blood which they yield. The slave owners treat their slaves in a similar fashion, equating their worth to the amount of work they are able to do. A slave’s worth is infinitely more than the slaveowners give them credit for. God gave us all inherent dignity and worth that nobody can take away A spider’s web, while it catches flies, can be easily destroyed when a stone is thrown at it. Suddenly, the web which once caught many flies is gone, leaving the flies to live their own lives. What is the stone that will destroy slavery and lead to the freedom of slaves? I declare that education will bust a hole in the web of slavery that no slave owner can mend. I declare that slaves with the ability to write are already on the path to freedom. I declare that it is our job to educate the slaves, for the ability to read and write makes a slave into a man with thoughts and the will to be free! In my research, I have found that slave owners have a certain sense of entitlement to own slaves. They see slaves as property to be bought and sold. To them, slaves are not people. Every slave owner agrees that an educated slave is impossible

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