
The Pros And Cons Of Terrorism

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First responders around the United States risk their lives every day so that other Americans could live out their lives with some definition of safety, security, and harmony. However, in recent decades, it has been more apparent that first responders are involved in much more than the risks they take at their day to day shift-work jobs. Countering a terrorist attack involves man hours and resources that first responders often cannot provide in order to efficiently do their job. Some first responders even risk the chances of themselves and their family becoming a target from intelligence gathering on possible terrorist subjects. When terror strikes on United States soil, officers, firefighters, paramedics, and other first responders put their lives on hold for those involved in the attack. At times, these first responders work 24 hours a day until they are ordered off the front lines by their superiors. The best way of reducing those risks taken by first responders is by studying what is on the forefront of issues involving the countering and responding to and international terror attack on United States soil. The countering of terror plots involves strategic presence of force, countless hours of intelligence gathering, policy/procedure testing and rewriting for emergency response, etc. Often, the most basic and most used in countering a terrorist plot is the presence of force. A few examples of this are security checkpoints at events, uniformed responders on street

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