
The Pros And Cons Of Tobacco-Free Policy

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In 4000 known chemical contents of tobacco smoke; more than 250 are harmful and over 50 of them are known to cause cancer in humans. (1). Worldwide, the use of tobacco kills over 7 million people every year and it costs households and governments more than $ 1.4 trillion through healthcare expenses and lost productivity. (2) Research conducted by the CDC in 2015 has shown that “tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, and cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco product among U.S. adults” (3). For the sake of saving life, some universities have banned tobacco use on campus. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln currently allows smoking provided that the smoker is not within the prohibited areas-10 feet away from some buildings and 25 feet from other buildings (4). “The university is the only institution in the University of Nebraska system that does not have a tobacco-free policy. Other Nebraska institutions of higher education -- including Creighton University, Bellevue University, Clarkson College, College of Saint Mary, York College and the Nebraska Methodist College -- have adopted smoke-free campus policies” (5). However, the university has as well adopted a new tobacco-free policy that is going to save life of many college students. “Effective January 1, 2018, the University of Nebraska (NU) Central Administration and University of Nebraska–Lincoln will become tobacco-free and smoke-free campuses” (6).


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