
The Pros And Cons Of Unions In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t feel safe in an environment due to its working conditions? I have. Many times people in jobs feel the need to stay quiet and not defend their opinions because they are afraid of possibly losing their jobs if they speak their mind. However, what many people don’t know is that as a human being, we have rights and with those rights you are allowed to be a part of a union in search of better opportunities. A union is when a group of employees gather together to “use their strength to have a voice in their workplace.” (L.A. Union, What is a Union?) Yes, that is correct, a voice that needs to be heard is what we all want. Of course, not all unions are good, but many have done well for the employees they have represented. Unions are very important to have in a company because it allows the employees to acknowledge their rights within the workplace, and also protects them from the employers. Unions help employees have job security and better wages, as well as better benefits. There are a few disadvantages however of having a union. The disadvantages are the dues that have to be paid, and also there are fewer rewards given based on …show more content…

Due to these unfair working conditions, employees then decide into looking for a union in order to help them work comfortably. There are some basic steps into organizing a union. As mentioned on, the steps go as follow: First you have to “Build an Organizing Committee,” then you have to “Adopt an Issues Program,” then you will need to “Sign up Majority on Union Cards,” you then need to “Win the Union Election,” and lastly, “Negotiate a Contract, making it your union." (, The Five Basic Steps to Organizing a Union) With these (sort of) simple steps, you will be able to make your own union and fight for your rights to be

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