
The Psycho Social Aspect Of The Disorder Essay

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Eating disorders have always been prevalent in society for centuries, and it is partly due negative body image. A negative body image is the when people perceive themselves in a damaging manner. Anorexia nervosa (AN) is not an exception. 1 in a 100 people are suffering from this eating disorder, with only 10% of these individuals being male. Half of those with believing they are obese, when in fact that are underweight. The thought of being obese contributes to the negative body image and the continuation their self-starvation. Even though interventive programs have been created, there are not very many programs focus on the psycho-social aspect of the disorder.


The purpose of this this study is to examine the psycho-social aspect of AN and how this new knowledge could possibly improve the effects of intervention, and reducing relapse after patients had completed the intervention program. Individuals that suffer from anorexia nervosa typically experience body dissatisfaction. This dissatisfaction is considered negative body image, and it worsens the disease. Ideally if it is possible to improve the body image of those with AN, then it is possible to lessen the affects of the disease which could lead to a cure. It is hypothesized that women’s negative body image as portrayed in the media exacerbates anorexia nervosa in those who already suffer from AN preventing successful recovery. The specific aims of this study is to reduce cognitive distortions related to

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