
The Public's View Of Reinstating The Death Penalty

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3.1 Research approach
Keeping in mind the end goal to gather information with respect to the exploration point inquiries and aims, this examination study completes a Quantitative research methodology. The point of this research is to investigate the public’s view of reinstating the death penalty, the utmost method to explore their opinion is through primary research since data is collected and gathered to focus on specific questions posed by this study since secondary research characteristic is its temperament because data is “not collected to answer your specific research questions” (Boslaugh.S, 2007. P4). A “Quantitative research is about quantifying relationships between variables “and is commonly constructive in assembling” measurable information that can be tracked over time” (Nykiel.A.R, 2007, P.55). The quantitative approach utilizes the speculations, results, and discoveries of different studies to shape a theory to test. The use of Quantitative approach provides the research project with accurate “measurements of variables and the collection of data” (Nejati.M, 2011, P.69). Quantitative information is gathered and, in this way embraces an endeavour “to answer the research questions” (Gramatikov.M, et al, 2010, P.48). The epistemological position of quantitative research is grounded in positivism because quantitative paradigm is implemented in at a more developmental period of the study fields, therefore, it is suitable to use the “quantitative hypothetical

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