
The Purpose Of The Constitution

Decent Essays

Picture yourself living in a world without any rules or laws. Everything would be very chaotic. That is why in the year 1788 there was a large debate if the New Constitution should be approved. With this Constitution came a new type of government. This Constitution had no security, lacked freedoms, and fairness to all of the people of America. There were many dangers to making a stronger type of government. The Constitution also did not include any protection of the citizens rights, however that is what the Americans needed. One person that opposed the new Constitution was Mercy Otis Warren. She believed that this new central government would limit the rights that the people of America had. Many others were also worried that the Constitution held no security. Some citizens also thought that it interrupted some of the laws in the government and for the humanity of the people. Mercy Otis Warren said, ¨There is no security...for the rights of conscience or the liberty of the press.¨ She also had another belief, would the Constitution be different if it contained the protections of the rights that the citizens had? The only complication to this was the protections did not take charge until 1791. Similar to Mercy's position against the Constitution was Thomas Jefferson. He had no part in writing the Constitution. He got a copy from …show more content…

He believed that everyone such as lawyers and ¨moneyed men¨ who had more sophisticated jobs and earned more money, were favored more than others and they would be able to join part of the Congress. Jonathan Elliot said , ¨They expected to be the managers of this Constitution, and get all the power and all the money into their own hands. And then they will swallow up all us little folks...this is what I´m afraid of… .¨ The others like farmers and laborers would be pushed aside and not having any meaning to them. Many people similar to the farmers and laborers positions thought that this was very

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