
The Racial Justice Social Movement

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The Racial Justice Social Movement
Civil Rights Movements recollections are responsible for shaping how people behave in society as well as the numerous protests on human rights that are seen in present day. What was evidenced back in the 1950s and 60s was focused on breaking racial barriers which were centered around degrading, confining and marginalizing the minority population of the United States. The case is relatively different in present day, what is conceptualized is a case of people supporting the movement driven by different purposes. With the history of what transpired throughout time is what shapes our daily politics. Social movements of the 19th and 20th Century are responsible for shaping progressive thought. The movements were driven by the need for racial disenfranchisement with legal requirements of segregation were constitutionally inconsistent with a focus on its eradication. What was conceptualized back in the early 20th Century is a case scenario where the women suffrage, environmental protection to dismantlement of Jim Crow laws. These were considered as relatively utopian ideas but that is not the case in present day where they are considered as being common sense. Radical issues for yester years have been considered into mainstream policy formulation of present day. During the 20th Century, the whole process reads as some of the most progress accomplishments until present day. The whole process of social justice was conceptualized

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