
The Racial Segregation In The Education System

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The United States is a nation built from the blood, sweat and tears of the black men and women who were forced to lay down their lives and relinquish hope for the founding white men to prosper. From the decades of abuse, racial segregation and to top it all off the emancipation that didn’t free anyone but instead lead way to the institution of the debatable worse system of convict leasing, there is a valid argument that we as a country need to make reparations for these crimes. However, All the gold and diamonds in the world isn’t going to just erase hundreds of years of damage. Making reparations, in forms like affirmative action that singles out blacks with slavery in their heritage, or forcing all Americans, most of whom are barely making …show more content…

Board of education, which deemed racial segregation in the American school system unconstitutional and overturned the “separate but equal” of Plessy v. Ferguson, our society has shifted for the better. The civil rights movement’s accomplishments have granted African Americans and other minorities the ability to participate in our democratic elections, the federal government initiated a War on Poverty and we elected our first black president. What hasn’t changed however is the racial injustice that exists in the education system. Racial discrimination often begins as early as pre-school and students who are only 4-year-old are facing unequal treatment from teachers and administrators. African American students only account for 18 percent of the countries pre-K enrollment however they make up 48 percent of the preschoolers in the country with multiple out of school suspensions. By this age, many black students have already been conditioned to believe that they are lesser than white students. This treatment isn’t limited to one or two schools throughout the county, but is a common occurrence in every school across …show more content…

Residential segregation plays a huge role into public school resegregation and more that 20 million students of color now attend racially and socioeconomically isolated public schools. The largest discrepancies in public school funding occurs because local cities delegated how property taxes fund schools. Education is most paid for with the amount of money available in surrounding districts therefore the inequity between wealthier and poorer schools continues to exist. The other problem that stems from how schooling is unequally funded it that often punishes poor white, black, and brown children for their inherited circumstances in life. The most nefarious of abuses to blacks occurs in public education as they are divested of the opportunity to be educated on their terms in ways that foster success, which begins with healthy racial identity development and positive affirmation that blackness

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