
The Ragtime Vs. The Blues

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¬Ragtime vs. The Blues
In the city of New Orleans emerged one of the most influential music genres in U.S. history. At the time, New Orleans was known for being a "melting pot" of people or rather, a region where people from all over the world came together in one place. This city served as a key seaport in the U.S. allowing for goods to be imported and exported. The purpose of this city was not only strategic to the growth of the country, but also, the atmosphere allowed for the incredible mixing of cultures, customs, and traditions that led to the creation of one of our nations most cherished genres of music: jazz.
Jazz emerged towards the beginning of the 20th century, but didn 't just spring up out of nowhere. Instead, it was a creation that developed from popular music styles of the 19th century that were blended and combined to entertain not only the social dancers, but also, the nation as a whole. The two main music styles that jazz evolved from were ragtime and the blues. Both ragtime and the blues had their beginnings in African-American communities. While both of these music styles strongly contributed to the creation of jazz and have a lot of similarities, they do have their differences. These differences lie within their origins, their instruments, the elements of the music styles and how these elements influenced jazz, and their artists and composers.
First of all, ragtime and the blues are similar in that they both originated in the United States. While the

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