
The Raising Issues Of Guantanamo Bay

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The Raising Issues Of Guantanamo Bay

The issues that have had cause a lot of controversy since 2002.The closing of Guantanamo Bay has led to be the most reported prison that’s held prisoners against their own will. Due to against war on terror, but has yet most detainees havn’t been charged. We wonder in the closing of Guantanamo Bay who will it affect, what will happen, when will the closing of Guantanamo Bay takes place, and how will this play a role in the world today.
If President Obama chooses to rule out a new detention law, there are three possible options that can settle everything. He can try to manage the risk they pose by means to other dentetion , keep them held under current detenition authoriy based on the laws of war, or …show more content…

President Obama wants to close Guantanamo to the end of the war in Afghanistan. But in order to do that Congress needs to lift the ban on transfers into the United States for prosecution .So those detainees that is considered for trail can be a trail. Congress has prohibited the transfer of any Guantanamo detainee into the United States. Which led to a standstill to release the detainees that has been in the clear but existing law limits transfers.
But what the United States failed to realize is that the government has another prison, which is similar to Guantanamo Bay, which poses as a threat to the United States. The prison name is ADX Supermax, which is located in Florence, Colorado .Americas highest security prison. The prison holds about 450 men from across the country in solitary confinement units. But also holds some of the world’s most dangerous terrorists .They include Richard Reid, the attempted shoe bomber; Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th, 9/11 hijacker; and al-Qaeda terrorists behind the bombing of the World Trade Centre in 1993 and the bombing of the US embassies in Africa. But they all pose a threat, But to consider that some of the prisoners that are held at Guantanamo Bay are people who been leaked to war on terror or look like they were possibly terrorist’s. Everyone at Gitmo has not been found guilty of

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