
The Rape Of Nanking By Iris Chang

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The Rape of Nanking, by Iris Chang, describes the Japanese atrocities that took place in Nanking, China during World War II. Throughout their takeover and occupation of Nanking, the Japanese soldiers were exceedingly cruel to the Chinese people. According to Chang’s account and analysis of the events that transpired, Japanese attitudes towards gender played a key role in the soldiers’ violent, cold-blooded actions, and Chinese attitudes towards gender kept the victims silent.
In the late 1890s, tensions between China and Japan were growing. China’s power was growing into the early 1900s as it converted to Nationalism. Japan felt the need to expand and conquer because they had been forced into the modern age by the United States, and they believed it was their destiny to exert government over other nations (Chang 23-24). The Japanese felt the need to do something before China became “too powerful to be conquered” (Chang 28-29). This put Japan on the path to war with China (Chang 25).
The Japanese government trained its young men to be soldiers. Specifically, they encouraged militarized toys, punished students severely in school, and taught that Japanese people were superior to their Chinese counterparts. Japanese boys were strongly encouraged to be soldiers so that they could bring glory to their country and their emperor. (Chang 29-30). Those who became soldiers were then psychologically programmed to be subservient to those higher in rank (Chang 31-33).
Due to the fact that

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