
The Reader Mother Son Relationship

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Michael was raised in an unconventional way. He did not have any apparent connections with anyone in his family, or anyone at school. His parents were merely characters in his life rather than people around to shape Michael. Since he lacked the shaping needed, he was misshapen. Early on in The Reader it becomes apparent that Michael does not have strong relations with any members of his family. He only ever mentioned one childhood memory , one in which his mother cleaned him, and dried him. Normally this would be a normal occurrence in which a mother would care for and clean their child, however, he mentions the confusion associated with it. He did not understand what he had done to deserve being treated so well. He believed he was being treated much nicer than normal. This occurrence infers a lack of interaction and intimacy between mother and son, an intimacy necessary for healthy development of a child (Schlink 27-28). Though his mother was there physically, lack of emotional connection builds a bridge to perceived abandonment.
When you are a child, you are helpless. This sense of helplessness is …show more content…

It can have the same psychological effects on your brain as physical pain. A study conducted by Rutgers University showed that those who recently went through breakups would show an increase in activity in the reward, addiction, motivation, and obsessive compulsive areas of the brain when they were showed pictures of the people they recently lost. Even though there is a large amount of pain associated with the loss of someone you love, there are still the triggers in the back of your mind which relate back to the pleasure once associated with them. This simple fact explains why it seems so difficult to get over the people who have left you (Brennan). In addition, breakups are known to spark depression and fear of future relationships. For the most part, the depression fades, but for Michael it becomes a prominent part of his

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