
The Reality of Reality Television

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The Reality of Reality Television Jacqueline Knudsen ENG122: English Composition II Jenna Fussell February 2, 2013

The Reality of Reality Television Have you ever set there watching your favorite reality television show and wondered what effects it could have on you, your family or your friends? Truth is most people do not think about the effects television shows can have before watching them or allowing their children to watch them. This paper will discuss rather reality television is real or fake, what the appeal of reality TV is, how reality television has changed television viewing habits, and the impact of reality television. Even though reality television can be …show more content…

It was a way to just sit there and sort of zone out and forget the troubles of the day. However, now more and more people are sitting down at night and watching reality television shows. Reality television shows are less relaxing than the sitcoms people use to watch. They involve the audience more, such as with voting for your favorite contestant on “American Idol” or getting angry or upset with a person for something they have done to your favorite person on “Survivor”. Whether it is physically or emotionally involved, when people are watching reality television they are definitely involved. So since the introduction of reality television people have started watching more reality TV and less sitcoms because most people prefer to be involved in their TV shows rather than just watch them. One negative effect that reality television can have on people is deceptive view of reality. Such as kids who watch shows like Jersey Shore which can lead them to believe life is one big party. MSN Encarta defines reality TV as “television programs that present real people in live, though often deliberately manufactured, situations and monitor their emotions and behavior.” Which means what they portray as reality is not really how things happen in the real world (Woods, N.D.). Another negative effect is antifamily values. Many critics have claimed reality television shows such as The Real

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