
The Red Summer Of 1919

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killed than the amount of people being killed in the Chicago race riots. Fighting was happening all over our country. We were killing one another because of the hatred towards racism. “The Red Summer of 1919 refers to a series of race riots that took place between May and October of that year. Although riots occurred in more than thirty cities throughout the United States, the bloodiest events were in Chicago, Washington D.C. and Elaine, Ark.” (Retreived from the About Education website : The riots lasted for about 5 months in 1919. That is almost half of the year of killing, shooting, and fighting. There wasn’t any sign of peace. All that needed to happen was for a law to be set of not making any type of racial decision or comment towards anyone. Twenty-five race riots occurring in one summer is a case that had to be solved quickly. Nobody was willing to take action like Martin Luther King did in the 1950’s and 60’s towards stopping segregation and racism. (Retreived from the biography website : All the United States needed in 1919 was someone as brave as Dr. Martin Luther King to step up to stop segregation and racism in our country. Each one of us as different types of individuals should be willing to accept one another. The Red Summer consisted of various riots across the country causing the U.S. to lose innocent individuals.

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