
The Reformation Of The Protestant Reformation

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Paying your way to heaven sounds nice does it not? During the time period of the Protestant Reformation you were able to do just that. When most people think of the Protestant Reformation it is often associated with a time of crisis for the Catholic Church. This specific time period challenges and characterizes the new direction that would be taken in Western Europe. A specific moment in the beginning of the Protestant Reformation would soon lead to the development of early modern Europe, that moment was the day the 95 theses written by Martin Luther were nailed to the Wittenberg Castle Church doors. The Catholic Church interpreted the 95 theses as a threat from Luther, they stated Luther’s opinion on the practice of selling indulgences, revealed how the money was used to rebuild a church, and would soon aid in the fall of the Catholic Church. In Germany on October 31, 1517 the Catholic Church received Luther’s 95 theses. The 95 theses criticized the Catholic Church, the pope, and the bishops. Luther focused his theses on the practice of selling indulgences by the church. Indulgences are the remission from your sins, which are granted through the church. His theses were posted to try and prohibit the church from engaging in practices that he considered were wrong doing. Luther believed that they were displaying bad Christian behavior. One of Luther’s theses stated “Christians are to be taught that papal indulgences are useful only if they do not put their trust in them,

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