
The Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, And The Renaissance

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Imagine a society in which the church would be the most powerful without question, people with differing opinions would be criminals, scientific discoveries would not made, analytical questions would not asked, and other cultures would not be embraced. This is what society would compare to if the transformations in Europe had never happened. These four major transformations include of the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment. The Renaissance accounted for a rebirth in culture after the Middle Ages, when Rome fell, and all education and advancements were at a stalemate. It recalled on Greek and Roman ideas such as creating detailed, perspective art that featured humanistic views. Out of the Renaissance came the Reformation, which was when people started to form new denominations, and turn away from the Catholic Church. This happened as a result of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses that he posted to the doors of the Wittenberg Church Castle. People that went against the church were called protestants, and because of this, the Catholic Church started the Counter-Reformation in order to revive the church. Additionally, during this time, non-religious ideas were encouraged. Then came the Scientific Revolution, in which answers to questions were no longer based off of religion, but with reason and observation. This was when many scientific discoveries were made, and the scientific method was created. Majorly influenced by the Scientific Revolution was the

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