
Essay about The Republican Party in Sinclair Lewis' Babbitt

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The Republican Party in Sinclair Lewis' Babbitt

Sinclair Lewis' Babbitt portrayed a man bent on following his political party; his actions seemingly followed that religiously, and today's version of the Republican Party is proof that we are not too far off from Lewis' version, despite the expanse of time. George Babbitt, the main character in Lewis' novel, viewed the world in the eyes of a businessman. He saw immigrants as a waste to society, business and the means to survive, and the ability to own the latest and greatest inventions as top priorities in his life. One must, in the 1920s and well as in today's world, set themselves in a political affiliation, generally one that describes the person and how he is. To …show more content…

Babbitt was just the icon of the Republican viewpoint.

Lewis probed into the Republican policies in order to write a character about them. Babbitt attempted a change, a way of rebelling against his "mechanical" lifestyle, which one could view as someone's break of the political system. It was too hard for him though, as his friends pressured him to join the Good Citizens' League and end this crazy rebellion. His downfall inevitably came over his wife's operation, and he began to preach, "the crimes of labor unions, the perils of immigration, and the delights of golf, morality, and bank accounts" (Lewis 368) more than ever. Lewis hinted through that statement that the Good Citizens' League was little more than a political club, or more specifically, an offshoot of the Republican Party itself. Once again, Babbitt reflects the party's actions and policies in what he speaks about, also saying a great deal about who was part of that party.

If the party was like that over seventy-five years ago, and many would consider such thoughts corrupt, the Republican Party surely must have changed over such a long time. The success of the Democrats during the Great Depression and World War II led many to believe that the Republican Party was the cause of the Great Depression. Its policies certainly would direct themselves toward the contrary yet still the blame rested on them. The blame still rested

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