
The Research Into Racial Inequality

Decent Essays

The research into racial inequality has mostly focused on the disadvantages experienced by the oppressed group. As the field continues to grow, it has become increasingly important to examine the privileges experienced by Whites (Bonilla-Silva, 2006). But to effectively examine this, the White individual must accept the fact that White privilege and racism still very much exist in the United States and how it affects all aspects of our culture and institutions. E. Janie Pinterits was conducting research on the existing scales of White privilege and noted that they were all unidimensional, only focusing on the cognitive dimension. The three existing scales were:
1) White Privilege Scale (Swim & Miller, 1999) – five items to assess awareness and beliefs about White privilege.
2) Racial Privilege was a subscale of the Color-blind Racial Attitudes Scale (Neville et al 2000) – seven items assess distortion, denial, and minimization of White privilege.
3) The Privilege and Oppression Inventory (Hays, Chang, & Decker, 2007) – thirteen item subscale of White Privilege Awareness assessment measuring awareness of racial advantage.
In order to develop a scale that examined not only the cognitive dimension, but also looked at the behavioral and affective dimension, she and her colleagues (Poteat & Spanierman, 2009) developed the White Privilege Attitude Scale. They felt that this type of research tool could contribute to the study and promotion of effective antiracist

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