
The Restorative Justice Process

Decent Essays

Restorative justice is a very complex process in the justice system. It is a positive program that helps in the aid of victims of crimes. The process for restorative justice is broken down into steps which map out how the process should take place. According to Johnstone, “Restorative justice is the theory that justice aids the victim and emphasizes the repair of harm caused by unjust or harmful behavior.” In my opinion the restorative justice process is a great accomplishment to the justice system. Restorative justice does not always work as intended but the theory of which it is intended for is enough to be improved upon. The steps needed to assure that this process works or does what it is intended to are short yet effective. The first …show more content…

In this case harm was also done to the one of the burglars. David, the 18 year old burglar, was affected what seems to be almost as much as the victim. David was felt so shameful for his actions that he confessed and wished to seek help for what he and his accomplice, Ed, had done to Mildred. Not only was Mildred, the victim, affected but her neighbors as well. Knowing that their neighborhood had been burglarized was also just as harmful. Mildred’s daughter Betty was also affected by this burglary because she was worried about the emotional harm that had been done to her mother. With so much property damage, Betty has been checking up on her mother Mildred since the incident had taken place. This had put a strain on Betty as she and her husband were forced to drive across town much more than …show more content…

Mildred, the victim, had seen what appeared to be a complete success story. Her fear of her neighborhood was greatly reduced and she was doing much better than before the crime had taken place. She was socializing with neighbors and had become a better person. David, the burglar, had a much greater success in his process. The relationship he had with his parents was stronger than ever. David started to attend college where he would begin coaching a little league baseball team. The team that David coached had run-ins with Betty’s husband’s team in which David’s team won most of the time. David made many efforts to make things right with Mildred and apologize whenever he could. He had purchased a clock that he thought would be a great gift to Mildred to replace the watch he had stolen. David has also become a restorative circles facilitator like the ones who had helped Mildred and himself. The community had become a much safer and better place because of this. Everyone seemed to be much more engaged in helping one another and assuring that everyone was safe and making positive changes for the

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