
The Rhetorical Analysis Of Christopher Morley's 'On Laziness'

Decent Essays

Novelist, Christopher Morley, in his essay, “On Laziness,” explains that laziness not only has a negative connotation but it could be beneficial characteristics that affect our lives positively. Morley’s purpose is to argue that currently people in our society always think that laziness has a negative meaning however he implies that laziness can be positive. The author wants his readers of the essay and hard working adults to respects the laziness. Morley supports his implication by a first mocking slothful people, then he describes the attractiveness of indolent people, finally, he discusses their success. Throughout the essay, Morley uses irony, tone, parallelism, and ethos to develop the purpose.
Morley begins his essay by mocking idle people and he acknowledges that he wouldn’t write the essay on laziness then he goes on to write the essay. Moreover, he uses irony to make fun of idle people and he begins with irony in an attempt to be humorous. Morley begins with ironic statement “to-day we rather intended to write an essay on Laziness but were too indolent to do so” (Morley, paragraph. 1). This warns the reader that he is too slothful to write an essay about being lazy. Based on his statement one would describe the tone is sarcastic because he is mocking laziness in the first paragraph. In the other hand, the author also uses ironic statements to ends his essay. Conversely, he says, “writing on this congenial topic has roused us up to quite a pitch of enthusiasm and

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