
The Right To Abortion: Roe V. Wade

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The Right to an Abortion During the 20th century, there were a great number of high profile, controversial Supreme Court cases. From Brown v. Board of Education to Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, no case stands out as much as Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade covered grounds that have never been dealt with before, bringing new issues and debates to the table, such as the right to privacy. In 1973, a woman named Norma McCorvey used an alias, Jane Roe, to pursue an appeal to a state law in Texas declaring that she could not receive an abortion. At the time, the Texas law stated “only a life-saving procedure on behalf of the mother, without regard to pregnancy stage and without recognition of other interests involved.” The issue with this state statute, as claimed by the appellate Jane Roe, was that it violated her right to privacy, and the concept of personal liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. After being denied an abortion, Jane Roe carried the child to term and gave it up for adoption, then proceeded to take her claim to the Supreme Court. After much deliberation, interpretation of the Constitution, and scrutiny of the Texas statute, the justices ruled that abortions, done within the first trimester and with the judgment of a physician, are legal. This overrules the Texas statute, and sets a new precedent for the regulations of abortions. The Supreme Court got to this decision through many sections of the Constitution. Nowhere

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